I specialise in UI programming but also work with the backend.
I mainly use frameworks and tools such as React, Stencil, and Ionic during my front-end development. But I have also worked on server side application using Node, Go and Java.
My proficiencies
I’m a big fan of web components and in combinations with an SPA, I’ve found Stencil JS to be a great toolchain to learn. This is also what I’ve used mainly during my development career to provide powerful web applications on Desktop and Mobile.
I’m also familiar with other frameworks such as React, Gatsby, Tailwind, etc... That’s how I’ve built this site and recognise that an SSG is a more suitable technique for a static site such as this.
Learning more
I’m always looking for opportunities to learn more and expand my development knowledge. Whether that be taking courses or trying out new frameworks that I’ve been recommended.
I’m a practical learner and prefer to get the gist of something, then use the documentation available to try it out in my own code. I find, for me personally, that this makes it stick in my head and helps recognise the problems that the tool can solve when it appears again in later projects.